
5 Ideas for Student WordPress Projects

We love WordPress, it’s a great platform enabling clients with no website development experience to take control of their own internet presence. We believe students should start learning how to develop websites, grow social media followers and build brands as early as possible.

Here are a few ideas as to how Students might use WordPress:

Bring your schools newspaper online

Does your school have a newsletter or newspaper? Are you still running these off on the printer? Or is the current website out-of-date and out-of-shape. WordPress is built for putting news online, with thousands of Newsletter templates, so why not publish your monthly news on a blog the whole school can read, comment, shared and engage with online.

Promote your school sports team

Every school has numerous sports teams, not every one can be on the team but why not support your team with a website, show photos, news, upcoming events and registration forms. Gain great exposure for your team, expand your own knowledge, experience and popularity and add to your CV.

Keep your club informed

Creating a website for your club, whatever type of club it is will gain great exposure for people who might be looking to join and keep members up to date. Post reviews of products, show upcoming events, post photos from recent meet ups, share tips and tricks and link to other clubs or resources your members might be interested in.

Build your portfolio as an influencer

Are you the next Zoella, building an online platform allows you to deliver content to the world. Sharing your experience, ideas, tip and tricks can be a great way to become an influencer. Historically, parents have condemned kids for spending too much time on Social Media or Playing Games, now they see in the news the teens making three times their salaries on YouTube they are becoming a bit more encouraging.

Are you a Budding Entrepreneur?

Do you have a school yard business? Do you want to take it to the next level, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, it take minutes to install and can have you selling your product globally. Developing your experience at Ecommerce will settle you comfortably into several disciplines of Social Media and Marketing.


To kick start you ventures, we are going to offer Students 25% off our Basic WordPress Package. Sign up today and use code: STUDENT25

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